Overview "Software" (43 entries)
- ➔ apache spark - fast and general computing system / apspark
- ➔ apcluster -Affinity Propagation Clustering / apcluster
- ➔ Armadillo - C++ library for linear algebra & scientific computing
- ➔ ARMAS - Another Rewrite of Matrix Algebra Subroutines
- ➔ ARPACK - ARnoldi Package
- ➔ ASTRA tomographic toolbox / ASTRA
- ➔ ATLAS - Automatically Tuned Linear Algebra Software
- ➔ BV78
- ➔ Computer-Aided Control System Design Tools for GNU Octave
- ➔ Control System Toolbox
- ➔ DifferentialEquations.jl
- ➔ Eigen
- ➔ emgr - EMpirical GRamian Framework
- ➔ EMRECON - Expectation Maximization Reconstruction / EMRECON
- ➔ Ginkgo - A high performance numerical linear algebra library